If you have browsed loads of websites, you've probably encountered some error message once in a while. An error could take place when the web server can't process a request (Error 400), if you must log in to see some content and you haven't done so (Error 401), if you aren't allowed to access some page (Error 403) or if a link leads to a file which isn't on the website hosting server (Error 404). Encountering this sort of messages can sometimes be aggravating because the pages have absolutely nothing in common with the actual website. That’s why some website hosting companies permit you to use your own error pages which will match the design of your own website and which can have any content which you want - info why the error has occurred, a suggestion what you can do or even some amusing remark. This type of feature shall help you keep the visitor on the website regardless of the error or the reason for it.

Custom Error Pages in Shared Website Hosting

The custom error pages function is provided with every shared website hosting package deal we offer and you shall be able to swap the generic pages with your own with no more than a couple of mouse clicks from your Hepsia hosting CP. You will have to create the actual files and to upload them to your account, and then to set them for a given domain or subdomain through the Hosted Domains section of the Hepsia CP. You may do this for each and every site hosted inside the account independently, so that each group of custom made pages shall have the very same design as the Internet site it is part of. If needed, you could always revert back to a default page from our system or to the default Apache server page. A different way to set custom made error pages is to create an .htaccess file in the domain/subdomain root folder and to add a few lines in it. If you never done this before, you may simply copy the necessary code from our Help article about the subject.